Manoswasthya Yoga

Counselling is a indivisible part of any pathy. In fact, counselling is a bridge between a patient and a doctor or therapist. If this bridge constructs well then process of healing happens faster. But nowadays doctors hardly get time to talk with the patient. So a patient unable to express what he feels exactly. At our Kendra, a patient spends one and half hour every day for taking treatments. He or she gets enough time to acclimatize with the caring atmosphere at the Kendra. Slowly and gradually patient starts opening up and connect with the therapist and others. Frequent talks and necessary guidance from therapist help patient realizing the real nature of the disease.The main aim of this process is to reach the root-cause of the disease. Apart from this, we conduct a session every month to create awareness about the mind's role in any disease. As we all know 99% diseases are psychosomatic. We conduct session in such a manner that patient starts accessing his mental setup. A patient realizes that his own concepts, inhibitions, judgements are the unknown factors behind the known disease.


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