In diseases like Arthritis, Sciatica, Spondylosis/litis, paralysis rigid, stiff muscles;painful joints, difficult movements are commonly seen symptoms. unbearable pain restrict the normal movements of the patients. for these type of patients
Shoulder joint is made up of two bones i.e. Humorous (arm bone) and Glenoid-fossa of Scapula (shoulder blade). Frozen shoulder is a condition where the capsule of the shoulder joint, which holds the joint fluid (synovial fluid) inside, becomes
Ankylosing spondylitis is also called as bamboo spine. It's a form of chronic inflammation of joints in the spine and it's associated structures. It usually starts from the sacroiliac joints which are below the waist line and above the tailbone.
sanjeevan medical yog Treatment - A Robust Cure sanjeevan medical yog Treatment addresses all these problems in this sequence: The sequence relieves the pressure from the thoracic organs, particularly heart, resulting into reduced pressure on
Sanjeevan medical yog Treatment - A Robust Cure The blood sugar is consumed in two ways, in presence of insulin or through Yoga exercise. During Yoga exercise, sugar enters the muscle cells even in absence of insulin. sanjeevan medical yog
Osteo Arthritis (Knee Pain) Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative and alignment disorder. Typically a patient feels swelling, pain, tenderness, reduced movement and cracking sound in the knee. Osteoarthritis does involve the entire joint. it's
For the best and affordable sanjeevan medical yog treatment for Pregnant Women in town, contact us. We ensure to provide ideal solutions for sanjeevan medical yog treatment for Pregnant Women.
The prime motive behind conducting Medical Yog courses is spreading Sanjeevan Yog in the society. Creating teachers and train one person in every household are other objectives of the course.Basically we are unaware of our correct posture.Lacking of
Acupressure treatment is a same treatment as Acupuncture. Instead of pricking needles therapist use fingers to stimulate the acupoints on the body. We use big byol magnets on the main meridians as well small byol magnets on the palms to harmonize
"Su-jok " is a Korean Treatment developed by Late Prof. Park Jae Woo, a Korean scientist approximately 43 years back. " Su-jok " is a combination of two words. In Korean " Su " means hands and " Jok " means feet. Thus, su-jok naturally means
Yogasana is a third step of 'Ashtangyog'. In short asana is a acquired physical posture with minimal effort to harmonize the body,prana,and mind.In various yogic postures, inner pranic energy flows in such a manner that it creats harmony inside
Stress is a buzzword these days. It is a byproduct of our Lifestyle. It catches on faster than the eye can see or the mind can perceive. Practising yoga asanas and pranayama can reduce Stress but to have peace of mind and to be unconditionally
The importance of ' yoga ' as a preserver and promoter of health as it's therapeutic measure is now well accepted by whole world. The word ' YOGA ' derived from word 'Yuj ' which means ' To join '. According to various yogic scriptures ' YOGA '